Saturday, August 3, 2013

First Week of a Sunday.

HAPPY Sunday!

Yo, broda, sista, aunty, uncle and all.Happy Sunday. its blog time. I have load of cloths to wash! How great if place could have a washing machine right? xD but that could getting me lazy as well. Nice weather today. Let's comment on this whole week:
#1 I have superbly awesome INTERVIEW (only some who knew what it means) muahaha. Trust me", that is something unexpected. <  =.='
#2 I'm having great hangout with my buds! Catching fish, hitting hard on machine, condom ice cream and yeah, fun and fun and fun. < T.G.I.M!
#3 Having great talk with another of my buds again at the mamak! Well situation seems to be tense. I hope she'll be alright. She's great and strong! Well of course she is, or otherwise she won't be my buds. To those who never met her. Its your lose while its my gain! < xD xD
#4 Dogs gathering. Macam Yes! The place never fail to amuse me even once! I should get few picture about it.^_^
#5 Pao Long steamboat. We should go again. It was located in Teluk Intan. Too bad we were late and only able to enjoy at one hour. : (

Well for the follow is:

Haha. that's how I gone through this week. Its obvious right? The boring or less interest seems to be longer and time barely can pass through that. I'm admit. I'm in being emotional and gloomy mood. However, I try and seems get better. The world wasn't really bad. Somehow, its god who were teasing you. I seen more and on top of it. I grown up! Up till now, I always scared I lost someone I treasure. That's why I could be silly and do anything I could even people said I'm stupid, I don't mind. Its me who i was. BUT I wonder. Did someone afraid to lose me?

#happy sunday #truth maybe hurt but not mean #Ineedsomeonetoturnin #ifuknowwhatimean #washcloth
#getbetter #bud4life